Natural Resources Canada

Canada's plant hardiness map (view details) provides insights about what can grow where. It combines information about a variety of climatic conditions across the entire country to produce a single general map. The original map was developed in the 1960's for trees and shrubs. It has also been used for perennials but it was not originally developed for that purpose.

Why should you help and how?
Our aim is to go beyond a single general map and develop potential range maps for individual species of trees, shrubs and perennial flowers. Our approach is to develop a climatic profile for each plant using new continent-wide climate models. These climatic profiles will be mapped giving an indication of the possible range of each species.

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To do this we need participation from experts and the public all over Canada, and ideally the United States as well. Contributors need to identify what plants, from a comprehensive list, survive at their location. Once enough data are entered to develop a climatic profile the range maps will be generated. These range maps will be continually updated as more data are submitted.

Your contributions will be visible on interactive web maps and will help define the climatic and geographic limits of plants. If you want to help by entering data, please register for an account. Once registered, log into your account to enter data.

You do not have to be registered to view maps! Simply select a genus and then a species from the list below or use the search function.

Example climatic range map for red oak.
Statistics Plant species that have observations.
Statistics Species that have preliminary biomaps.